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New York NY Port Wine Stain Removal Doctors

Almost everyone is born with a unique visible skin pigmentation called a birthmark. While most birthmarks are small, not easily noticeable, or easily hidden by clothes and/or personal styling, there are some types of birthmarks that are much more prominent and concerning. Port wine stains are one of these types of birthmarks that can cause worry to parents and feelings of self-consciousness to those affected. At the Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York, we offer the most comprehensive care for children and adults affected by all types of vascular birthmarks or tumor.

Port wine stains are caused by capillaries gathering together in one spot on the skin. These red marks can be quite dark and will persist throughout a person’s life, getting darker as a person ages. For many, the skin where the port wine stain is located will thicken and cause tightness of the skin to occur. This thickening and tightening of skin can cause extreme side effects when the port wine stains are on the face or on the spine. A port wine stain that is present on the eyelids can pose a risk of glaucoma that can lead to blindness. For children with a port wine stain present on the face, it is important to have an expert in the treatment of vascular birthmarks oversee any type of treatment. It is also essential for adults who have lived with their port wine stains for years to have an expert in their case because of the length of development of the birthmark.

At Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York, we have internationally recognized physicians who have dedicated their medical profession to helping people of all ages with vascular lesions. Our team of doctors has unique approaches to help children and adults find successful diagnoses and treatments for port wine stains and other vascular birthmark conditions. If you are looking for an experienced physician who can help you or a loved one, please contact our world-renowned practice today.

Posted on behalf of Vascular Birthmark Institute

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

Phone: (212) 434-4050

FAX: (212) 434-4059


Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5pm