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A rare condition, congenital infiltrating lipomatosis is a fatty-type benign tumor that can affect one side of the face or neck, usually in children. This can cause an asymmetrical appearance, with fatty tissue infiltrating the soft tissues and creating a lopsided heaviness. This congenital condition can progress as the child gets older, causing a deformity. At the Vascular Birthmark Institute, our vascular tumor and birthmark specialists can help those with this disorder with removal of this fatty lesion.

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis is one of five types of benign lipomas that can impact the face and neck but is very rare. Few doctors have seen this abnormality, which is why it is important to have a specialist for those children born with this condition. It can be misdiagnosed and must be carefully assessed before removal can be considered. Reoccurrence of the condition is possible after removal, which is why it is essential to consider all treatment options.

Treatment for Congenital Lipomatosis

To remove a benign lipoma, it is vital to have an experienced vascular and plastic surgeon that can carefully remove the mass and reconstruct the neck and face. Removal of the mass can be completed using liposuction and excision. However, reconstructing the skin and face is also an important aspect of the procedure for the best aesthetic appearance. At the Vascular Birthmark Institute, our team consists of talented plastic surgeons that have completed treatments and surgery on some of the rarest forms of birthmarks and vascular tumors, with great success.

If your child has congenital infiltrating lipomatosis or any other birthmark or vascular tumor condition, contact our team at the Vascular Birthmark Institute today. We are leaders in this distinct medical field, with some of the pioneers of treating hemangiomas and vascular anomalies. Call our office in New York City, NY, to schedule your consultation with one of our specialists.